
Samuel Naldi Reveals 5 Reasons Why Handwriting Will Improve Your Productivity 

Now, perhaps more than ever, we are overwhelmed by technology from all directions. And I’ve never been against technological advancement, that would be ridiculous, since I’m writing this article from a macbook and what I’m about to present has been uploaded to Youtube. But we can all agree that when it’s too much, it can become a problem. We are often disconnected from our daily activities, lacking productivity, energy and focus and this greatly affects our well-being. What if I tell you that there is a simple practice (among many others) that can significantly improve your productivity and it doesn’t require much effort on your end and that is handwriting. 

Samuel Naldi has been working on a really cool, educational video in which he has put together a lot of information to provide you with 5 ways in which handwriting can improve your productivity. From studies on how handwriting activates the brain to helping people find inner peace, you’ll discover useful information and come to understand the importance and beauty of handwriting.

So pour yourself a drink, get comfortable in your armchair and enjoy some valuable information. Click here for the video.

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